This summer, students from the prestigious CPE Lyon University in France are embarking on an enriching internship program at the renowned Universidad Militar Nueva Granada in Colombia. Led by Professor Oscar Carrillo from CPE Lyon and coordinated in Colombia by Professors Edward Guillen , José Rugeles, Luis Fernando Gonzalez and Leonardo Ramirez from the Department of Telecommunications Engineering; In addition to Professor Wilson Sarmiento from the Multimedia Engineering program. This experience offers students the unique opportunity to immerse themselves in Colombian culture while fulfilling their academic requirements for graduation.
Under the guidance of these experienced professors, these bright minds are engaged in a wide array of academic and cultural activities during their stay in Colombia. The internship program contributes to their academic growth and enables them to gain invaluable insights into the rich Colombian heritage.
The academic component of the internship is thoughtfully designed to complement the student’s coursework at CPE Lyon. Participants collaborate on cutting-edge research projects, gaining exposure to the latest advancements in the field of telecommunications. This hands-on experience provides them with a competitive edge and enhances their problem-solving skills.
Additionally, the program fosters cultural exchange and encourages students to delve into Colombia’s unique traditions and customs. Through interactive workshops, cultural excursions, and language exchange programs, the interns can connect with local communities and embrace the warmth and hospitality of Colombian society.
Dr. Leonardo Ramirez, head of the Telecommunications Engineering program at Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, expressed her enthusiasm for the cross-cultural initiative, stating, «We are delighted to welcome the CPE Lyon students to our campus, and we are honored to work with Professor Oscar Carrillo in leading this program. This exchange facilitates academic growth and promotes mutual understanding and appreciation between our nations.»
Over the years, the internship program has built a strong bond between CPE Lyon and Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. It has become a platform for fostering lasting friendships and academic collaborations, benefiting both institutions and their students.
As the internship program draws to a close, the students will return to France with a deeper understanding of Colombian culture and a broader perspective on global telecommunications challenges. The experiences and memories gathered during their time in Colombia will undoubtedly shape their academic and personal trajectories for years to come.